About FlemFit

Manatute is a reflection based off of the lifestyle Noah lives, and what he preaches to his supporters (family). This is a lifestyle of health for the mind, body and soul, through practices like meditation, a healthy diet, and getting that sun and nature.


To create a community of people who elevate themselves through self love and care, while bringing others up with them that are doing the same

What's The Vision?

To eventually have multiple platforms with millions of people around the world to inspire and motivate. I will do this by continuing to be myself and talk about the peaceful beneficial lifestyle i live and how they, and you, can implement these things into your lives, to slowly become your best version:)

Why vegan Alkaline?


I feel more grounded and have no fear inside of me because all of the dead scary energy of the animals being slaughter once being in my body, is no longer there.

Made to perform

My performance in and out of the gym has never been better since switching to an all plant based diet, especially the all alkaline vegan diet. I feel like i could train for hours and my energy never runs out

God's Food

I could write a whole book on why a plant based diet is the most beneficial for your mental, physical, and spiritual health, but instead I will just leave you think with this... in your bible it says herbs are for the healing of the nation, also, do you realllllyyyy think these animals came here just for your consumption?


I have been going to the gym for 3+ years now and ever since the start i always new this was what i was going to take to the next level. Not just by working out for myself, but by inspiring others to do the exact same thing, and here i am following my purpose:) I started my journey for the same reason most people start because i was insecure and unhappy with my physical and mental state. Once i made that change and saw the progress, i no longer went to the gym to look better for other people, i went there because it felt like a form of mediation and happiness for me.

"Spiritual" Journey

I put spiritual in "" because it is not what it use to be and is associated with unhealthy lifestyles now. I don't live by a label (religious, spiritual, etc.) the way i live is for the elevation for my mind body and soul. What i mean by that is anything that moves me closer to who i truly am, i practice, like spending time in nature, meditating, Eating an alkaline vegan diet, etc. I have been on this journey for almost 2 years now and i have learned more about myself and this world then i have in my whole life combined before these 2 years. When you take time out to focus on yourself, you will not believe what you will find out about not only this wolrd, but more importantly yourself:)